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Do you want to maintain your property for generations? Do you want more guests?

If so, become a partner of the platform and we will open your doors to guests.

    The HistoricRooms platform is a booking and marketing tool for historic properties and their offers. As a member, you can benefit from this special and unique network.

    A partner of HistoricRooms is the owner and/or manager of one or more historic properties that are open for guests/tourists.

    A property with a history of around 100 years (or more). This can be a farm, a palace, an estate, a castle, a palace, ......

    The entry of a property presents all advantages and possibilities for the guests; incl. photos, description, history, location and booking tool. Data, photos and all information about a property are published in the entry. The partner is responsible for the accuracy of the data and the rights to photos.


    Entries can be made in two categories on the HistoricRooms platform.

    HistoricRooms: for promoting holiday options (rooms, flats, entire estates)

    HistoricLocation: for the promotion of representative locations.

    1. The partner contacts the operators of HistoricRooms using the contact form.
    2. The operators answer the enquiry and send an agreement.
    3. Nach Unterzeichnung und Übersendung der Vereinbarung kann der/die Partner:in nach der Registrierung auf der Plattform seinen Eintrag gestalten.
    4. Oder der/die Partner:in  nimmt die Alternative: gegen einen Aufpreis von netto 70€ wird der Eintrag gerne von den Betreibern erstellt.
    5. The entry is verified by the operators, translated into English and put online.


    Depending on your wishes, the partner can either do it themselves or commission the operator (at a charge).

    • Partner manages the entry independently from the start
    • Translation and approval by HR team
    • Calendar management and pricing are handled by the partner
    • Partner benefits from joint presence on the platform, the entry = advertising presence
    • Partner is promoted by newsletter & social media
    • Chat with future guest possible before making a fixed booking
    • Bookings are made directly via the platform's booking calendar
    • Booking only valid once partner has confirmed
    • Billing via payment system
    • Automated tool for evaluating the stay
    • The entry will be created by the HistoricRooms team for a net fee of €70.


    • Branding on the platform as a premium partner
    • Is listed as a tip of the week (at least twice a year)
    • receives an online training twice a year from various experts
    • receives placement for offers in the slider (2x14 days/year)
    • appears in advertising and PR campaigns in print and other media

    HistoricRooms partner conditions BASIS: no basic costs!

    + Booking fee of 12% of the gross amount of the booked stay to the platform

    + Payment processing

    HistoricRooms partner conditions PREMIUM:

    + Booking fee of 12% of the gross amount of the booked stay to the platform

    + Payment processing

    + Premium services: net €30/month or net €300/year



    • Partner manages the entry independently from the start
    • Translation and approval by HistoricRooms team
    • Calendar management and pricing are handled by the partner
    • Partner benefits from joint presence on the platform, the entry = advertising presence
    • Partner is promoted by newsletter & social media
    • Chat with future guest possible before making a fixed booking
    • Bookings are made directly after consultation with the landlord
    • Automated tool for evaluating the event
    • The cancellation conditions of the landlord apply
    • The entry will be created by the HistoricRooms team for a net fee of €70.


    • Branding on the platform as a premium partner
    • Is listed as a tip of the week (at least twice a year)
    • receives an online training twice a year from various experts von verschiedenen Experten
    • receives placement for offers in the slider (2x14 days/year)
    • appears in advertising and PR campaigns in print and other media

    Location partner conditions BASIS

    + Annual marketing fee: net 30€/month or net 300€/year

    Location partner conditions PREMIUM

    Annual marketing fee: net 50€/month or net 500€/year


    • The landlord's cancellation conditions apply

    We look forward to working together on our platform!